

We live in the Berkeley Hills not far from the area of the devastating 1991 Firestorm; fire is a big concern. On September 27th this year we were awoken at 3:00am by the crackling and whooshing of a fire. The fire was huge, embers were raining down on our house and yard, and we prepared to evacuate. Luckily the firemen did come and got the fire under control, no one was hurt, and only one house was destroyed. It was a scary experience, though.

I drew the sketch from memory a few hours later. The next day, I found this photo online; they are amazingly close, I think!


3 Responses to “Fire!”

  1. Jane LaFazio Says:

    wow, amazing sketch from memory. Obviously it was seared in your memory, no pun intended! Scary indeed. San Diego’s firestorms of 2003 are still a fresh memory for me.

  2. Sandy Says:

    Wow, I just love the sky in this piece, the fire is captivating and still frightening – Great Job, I love the loose and yet intensness you captured

  3. Jana Bouc Says:

    Hi Martha,
    Your fire drawing is wonderful. My sister lost her rented home and everything she owned in the 91 firestorm and she always gets nervous during fire weather so I understand how you feel. I’m glad your house was safe.

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