All Posts On: SketchCrawl

SketchCrawl 12.5: At Home   January 28th, 2007

The Fireplace Mantle
Today was SketchCrawl 12.5. SketchCrawl is series of drawing events conceived by Enrico Casarosa. Usually a date is named and groups get together all over the world in different cities to spend the whole day sketching together, then everyone shares their sketches online. A SketchCrawl is like a pub crawl, except with sketching instead of (or in addition to!) drinking.

Today’s crawl was a little different though. The idea was to have a mini SketchCrawl (and thus the in between numbering) where everyone stays at home to draw. I couldn’t spend the whole day drawing this time, but did manage three sketches.
In the Living Room
In the Bathroom

People will be posting their SketchCrawl 12.5 work in the SketchCrawl Forums. There is also a SketchCrawl Flickr Group where you can find sketches from some crawl events.

Drawing for a full day is an intense experience. Doing so even when you don’t feel like it can yield some interesting, even positive, results. I am always completely wiped out at the end of such a day and others report the same. Such an immersion can really shake loose your drawing brain though and I highly recommend it.


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SketchCrawl 12: Berkeley   December 9th, 2006

Today was SketchCrawl 12, a worldwide sketching event.

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I did some sketching around Berkeley in between errands. Started at my favorite fountain, decked out for the holidays. Then it started to rain so found a place to hide out in. The drawing did not come easily today, but the point of SketchCrawl is to do it anyway! And so, I did.
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